Thursday, August 6, 2009


Josh found out a few months ago that he had to have all four of his wisdom teeth pulled. We spent time figuring out what to do and he finally decided to go ahead and have them pulled. We decided to go with Dr. Heine since he'd done Jonathan's.

Last Friday was the day. Josh and I had eaten a big meal the night before (see the previous post) since he knew he wouldn't be able to eat a whole lot for the next few days. We went into the surgeon's office about 7 and checked in. We waited a few minutes and were shown back to a room with a dentist chair. Dr. Heine talked with Josh a bit. His main concern of course was when he could get back to his running and exercising (answer: 3 days and then only gradually). They started an IV and began injecting him with the knockout stuff. We were escorted from the room to the waiting room. Donna and I talked a bit and I settled down to read a few chapters of Job. I had read only a couple when the nurse came back and said "He's done". The procedure only took 20 minutes. That seemed really fast. We went back and Josh was groggy but not totally out. They gave him only a few minutes and then walked him out to the car to go home.

We stopped at CVS to pick up three prescriptions they gave us (a pain killer, an antibiotic to fend off any infection, and a steroid pack to reduce the swelling). Donna went in to get them. Josh kept pleading with me to let him get and walk. I wouldn't let him, I had visions of him stumbling onto Lone Oak Road. They had our prescriptions filled within 10 minutes and we headed for home.

We got home and Josh was still awake. He promptly settled into the couch, fired up his laptop and got into Facebook. He seemed OK especially since it had only been an hour since his teeth were pulled. I ended up just going back to work.

He's made it great. He's had a little pain but not much. It's taken him a few days to get all his strength back mainly because he wasn't able to eat much.

Dr. Heine called twice (once on Saturday and once on Sunday) to check on Josh. I was very impressed by their office and their concern for him. The whole process went much better than I ever would have imagined.

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