Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I don't like Ike...

Sunday morning the latter vestiges of Hurricane Ike swung through our area. Jonathan and I were in Arnold MO preparing to see the Rams-Giants game. When I got up, it was raining so hard I couldn't see across the street. It let up in time for us to go to Arnold church of Christ. Their number was down because of flash flooding and downed trees and limbs. We headed to the game afterwards and by the time we got there, it was sunny.

Donna called me during the game to tell me the power was out at church and they could only have a short service. She said everything was fine at home when she left but when she got back, there were trees down and power out. Somehow we dodged the power outages. My in-laws were not so fortunate. Plus, a large tree fell across the road and into the yard of where Donna's great-great-grandmother used to live. Josh filmed a clip for the daily news at his school.

There was a state of emergency in Ballard County all day Sunday. We stopped at Jackson church of Christ on the way home. They told us they had to worship without power Sunday morning, but all was well when we arrived.

We got to Wickliffe about 8:00pm and I was greeted with a sight I'd never seen before. I've crossed the Cairo bridge at all hours coming home from ballgames. But, this was the first time I arrived when the western part of Wickliffe was totally dark. There are three convenience stores plus a KDOT station there and they are always lit up. It was quite eerie. We got home fine though.

What we had of course can't even compare to what happened in the Galveston area. We should continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they recover from the effects of Hurricane Ike.

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